• Do you think "is it bedtime, yet?" more than once in your day?
  • Are you tired of your "me time" being scrolling instagram while locked in the bathroom sitting on the toilet?
  • Do feel like you never stop moving all day long, but at the end of the day you feel like you didn't get anything done?
  • Does it kinda feel like your life is on a never-ending cycle of fix food, cleanup food, run errands, do laundry, keep the kids happy and you'll never get time to do what you actually enjoy?
  • Do you want to be the mom who runs and plays in the sprinkler or the one who's worried about grass stains?
  • Do you want to less overwhelm and more joy and purpose in your everyday life?

You're not failing. You're not alone. You can have the vibrant life you crave.

"I was kind of floundering and didn’t know how to really fill my life with joy. But this really gave me a direction. I want to be a good wife, mom someday, and friend. And your course is helping me be all of those things." -Erin


  • Have a rock-solid faith that is the foundation of your vibrant life.
  • Create a plan to pursue spiritual growth that won’t take hours a day or a seminary degree. 
  • Gain confidence in who God created you to be.
  • Ditch motivation and balance for better, longer-lasting methods to accomplishing your goals.
  • Find ever-elusive “me time” (and know what to do with it when you get it) even if you’re super busy raising little ones. 
  • Develop daily, weekly and yearly rhythms to help you feel calm and in control. 
  • Step into the mother you were always meant to be.


Hi there! I’m Katie– and right now I'm giving you some holy permission to take some time for yourself.

With a grade schooler, preschooler, and toddler underfoot I KNOW how hard these days with little ones can be! It seems impossible sometimes that you will ever be able to sit down, let alone spend time on yourself!

But despite the mixture of ordinary and frenzied moments that is motherhood-- I believe that God has called me (and YOU!!) to a life of abundance--right here, right now, in my everyday ordinary life.

Consider me your chasing vibrance coach and cheerleader--I'm here to give you the tools and encouragements so you can pursue YOUR most VIBRANT LIFE!

"It really showed me that a lot of what I need to work on is a heart thing. I need to change my heart, and my attitude towards things, before they will change in my surroundings." -Carissa



  • Guilt free ways to GROW YOUR FAITH in even less time than you think!
  • Confidence in your PURPOSE and PRIORITIES.
  • Daily and weekly RHYTHMS that get stuff done while giving you tons of grace!
  • Fresh passion for your RELATIONSHIPS.

Revisit the course over and over as you go through various seasons of your life and motherhood journey.

 "I feel so much less alone in my motherhood and like I have a plan to help guide me in balancing all the things and in feeling like my best self as a mom."


Thanks so much for your words! This challenge was the breath of fresh air I needed!



What's included in this course?

How do I know if the Vibrant Life Kickstart is right for me?

The Vibrant Life Kickstart is a personal and spiritual development course that will challenge your heart and daily actions to pursue a life that is vibrant and abundant.

This course is divided into 4 weeks of 4 daily lessons (print and video) on a particular topic, meant to be finished within a week. (But if you take longer that's okay too!)

The topics covered are Faith, Purpose, Rhythms, and Relationships. Together these teachings will combine to give you the vibrant life kickstart you've been longing for.

Each lesson includes a brief explanation, a spiritual challenge, an action step and a reflection time in your guided journal. Each lesson should take 10-20 minutes to complete.

I designed this course for busy women, who like me, know that they were designed to THRIVE, not just survive.

Anyone looking to create meaningful rhythms that bring joy and intention to their faith, self care, time, and relationships will benefit greatly from this course.

While this course was designed for moms with young children, the lessons and action steps are applicable whether you are single or married, with kids or without.

There is a lesson on marriage and a lesson on parenting--feel free to skip those sections if you prefer or use it to apply to other meaningful relationships in your life.

How will I access this course?

How much does it cost?

You will receive access to the course in two ways:

1. Access to all the videos and lessons at once on an online platform called Teachable with a secure login.

2. Receive a daily email (Monday-Thursday) with video and lesson included right in your email.

You will get an email before starting with access instructions and all your digital materials!

The Vibrant Life Kickstart is currently priced at $67! The price will go up the next time it is offered, but you can get in NOW for lifetime access to the course and bonuses!

You can also choose the Level Up option which includes live goal setting coaching, mid-point check in, and end-of-course accountability and next steps. If you struggle with implementing what you learn, THIS is for you!

Both the Vibrant Life Academy regular option and the Level Up option include bonuses of Time Blocking Workshop and Templates ($19), the 4 Week Real Food Meal Plan ($19), 4 professionally designed Scripture art prints ($36).

I realize this is basically too good to be true and my business coach and my husband have told me to raise the price, but right now I feel led to offer it at this discount knowing the season of challenges we are in and how MUCH women need vibrance in the world right now and how much the WORLD NEEDS VIBRANT WOMEN right now.

Will I receive my guided workbook in the mail? How do I get my bonuses?

What is your refund policy?

The Vibrant Life Kicktstart workbook and bonuses are downloadable digital files that you can print from home or send to a local printer! Everything is digital so you will not have to wait to receive anything in the mail!

You will have instant access to the workbook and bonuses--no need to wait to dig in!

I absolutely believe that this course will help you create a more vibrant life that you love! And yes, creating a joyful and intentional life takes effort, but it is well worth it!

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with this course, please contact me within 1 week of purchase and my team will refund your purchase.

What if I get behind and can't complete the course in 4 weeks?

I'm super-busy! How much time will it take to complete each lesson?

Although this course is intended to be completed in 4 weeks you can ABSOLUTELY take as much time with it as you need!

I'd prefer you to slow down and take it at a pace that feels good to you than you feel stressed and rush through this process.

The online course access is self-paced and you can always leave the emails and come back to them when you are ready.

Lessons are kept intentionally short, but packed with spiritual truth and simple application!

Each lesson will take about 10 minutes, but your full time spent in will depend on how much time you like to spend journaling and reflecting.

There are only 4 lessons a week so you have time to reflect, catch up, and spread out as needed.

"The community of the group and seeing others thoughts has helped me see that I’m not the only one with “small” goals right now. That clean laundry and a hot cup of coffee really maybe IS enough."  -Jamie


  • You can laugh when your toddler climbs on the table and eats all the applesauce in the jar, instead of feeling like you're constantly on the verge of tears or anger. #mamasgotthis
  • Your feet hit the floor in the morning, you grab your cup of cofee and you actually excited feel to start your day! #letsdothis
  • You look forward to opening your Bible and spending time with God. #nomoreguilt
  • You can quickly make a doable plan for the day, but you don't fret if things get off track. #somuchgrace
  • You have hobbies you enjoy and things that light you up that you do on a regular basis. #chasingvibrance
  • You have a date night on the calendar and can't wait for some one-on-one time with your hubby. #dateyourspouse #beating50percent